The Lundquist College of Business is pleased to announce the Business Innovation Institute, the new umbrella organization for the Center for Sustainable Business Practices and the Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship. While both these renowned centers will continue to function as distinct entities, the Business Innovation Institute's supportive framework will enable them to focus their resources in the most strategic ways possible. The result will be a learning platform where innovation embraces creative and disruptive market-based solutions in a societally responsive way, resulting in value generation, growth, and efficiency. "The juncture of entrepreneurship and sustainability is where we see the greatest opportunities for innovation," said Dean Kees de Kluyver. "Simply put, we see an opportunity and are seizing it." Through hands-on learning and industry collaboration, the institute will combine a broad but integrated focus on opportunity recognition, new venture creation, new business models, green product development, optimized supply chains, and more.